Group chats, calendar, direct tie-ins to OneDrive, SharePoint, Office, and third-party services make Microsoft Teams ideal for companies or families who want an all-in-one communication repository. Microsoft Teams, however, is a superset of features compared to Skype. Microsoft Teams Group Chat software Having said that, you could try starting SfB in safe mode. I sincerely recommend you to at least consider replacing SfB with Teams in your organisation. Those who never use Teams for business can use Teams for consumers through Microsoft 365 with all the new features. First, Skype for Business will be deprecated sometime in the future, Microsoft Teams replacing it. Those who use Teams professionally can switch to a "family" version with a click. This week, the company has issued a warning to customers that they now only have six months to migrate over to Microsoft Teams, as Skype for Business Online crawls closer to its final day. The difference will be the ability to switch to a more consumer-friendly set of features within the app. 18 months ago, Microsoft announced that Skype for Business Online would be closing down on July 31, 2021. Microsoft Teams for consumers is the same Teams app those in enterprise and schools use today. The report makes sense, as those that do use Skype (including the recently announced 40 million daily active users) may not need all that Microsoft Teams functionality. The good news is Microsoft has told us that the standalone apps for Skype will continue. As it is, the calling and video feature for Microsoft Teams is effectively Skype, making the two apps and services perhaps slightly redundant. Microsoft's announcement of Teams for consumers due later this year has some people wondering about the future of Skype as a standalone app.